ACE is a leadership development programme for Executives and Senior leaders to become exemplary in their spheres of influence. The specially designed model supports leaders to achieve greater equality, diversity, and inclusion within their organisation, but has far wider applications.
Underpinned by the belief that tinkering with normality stalls effective change, the ACE Model upskills leaders to disrupt norms, and accelerate transformation in their organisation. The change achieved will be based on positive truths, garner greater trust, and create less conflict.
A model that recognises the urgency for change
The catalyst for ACE was the #TellYourStory research project that we undertook. Over 300 people shared their lived experiences of race and racism in sport.
The stories were painful and traumatic but also hopeful and inspiring. ACE is our contribution to enlighten and empower the leaders that shape organisations. We recognise the urgency for change, yet the importance of forward thinking, so we provided a model that leads to both immediate and sustainable change.
In recognition that every team has different needs, we offer a bespoke service to organisations looking to adopt ACE. The programme enriches the set values of the organisation, and enhances it by focusing on achievable actions and activities.
ACE is a high impact dynamic programme that incorporates a stimulating workshop, dynamic discussions, consultation, and strategy devising. To optimise ACE, there are some pre-requisites that you will require in regard to data and systems. We will discuss these with you at inception.
The first stage is a one-day workshop in which we learn about ACE. The programme incorporates playfulness with the mind expanding power of conversation. Participants gain an understanding of the different aspects of the model, and begin considering how they relate to your organisation.
It is essential to reflect on discussions, insights, and ideas generated, and use them to fuel the planning process. We work with you to ensure that your planning is not isolated but aligns with your organisational vision, values, and any existing strategic plans.
Through your ACE Journey our role is to be your critical and supportive friend. We are here to provide constructive feedback, honest advice, and consultancy.
Fundamentally, change will be driven by delivering results. We will support you not only in the “what” but in the “how”. This partnership ensures that results address the ACE Model outer ring (truth, trust and conflict), and are transparent and inclusive.
Phone: +44 (0)345 034 1105
Address: Unit 4, Daisy Business Park, 19-35 Sylvan Grove, London SE15 1PD