When you ask this question, you will be surprised, sometimes shocked and maybe embarrassed by the answers. The reality is that being excluded, marginalized or treated unfairly is the norm for many of your colleagues. And here’s another uncomfortable truth, many of us have consciously or unconsciously denied another colleague their potential; “She’s too young”, “They won’t fit in”, “But we want the best person, not just a quota filler”.
If you genuinely want to be more diverse and inclusive, you have got to be honest about your organisation, curious to understand others’ lived experiences, and be willing to learn about the impact of discrimination on their lives. You need to be brave to stand up and make a difference. Be an architect of change.
What we offer..
We offer a wide range of programmes that we customise for your organisations. Some are specific to a protected characteristic, while others stimulate amazing conversations and learning across a broad range of subjects. Our solutions include: